Delivery Information

Singapore Standard Delivery:

🇸🇬 Deliver within 2-3 working day in Singapore
💰 Free for order above SGD $35

Total order amount Singapore (2-3 working days)
Below SGD $35 SGD 3.50
SGD $35 and above FREE

Singapore Same Day Express:

🚁 Express same day delivery
💰 SGD $16 per order
💰 SGD $10 for order above SGD $100 (Promotion)
🕔 Cut-off 3pm daily
🗓️ Excluding Sat, Sun & public holiday
🇸🇬 Only available for Singapore order

Additional production lead time required for customised items, please refer here.


Track Your Order

1) You can refer our email for your order tracking information

2) You can log in to you account and check the tracking information too